Download Episode 12 here
This is our second email show, as we plan to do these at least once a month from here on out. Some of the topics that we actually remembered to include in the show notes this week include:
- Scott offers an alternative to the Games For Windows store: Zune!
- Andy wants us all to know about the Desolation MUD, which gets Jonathan and I talking about our favorite MUDs and Telnet software.
- Brian offers up some great PA book recommendations, as well as an idea for a game he and his friends played years ago.
- Bill in Hawaii has compiled a comprehensive list of PA radio dramas on his site, and also suggests we check out Broken Sea Audio Productions, which he says is his favorite.
- Jeremiah talks about his idea for an 'Apocalypse of the week', which he has added to our forums.
- Apocalypse Dan has been pimping our show to the Fallen Earth forums, and we appreciate it!
- Erik has a PA-themed game pitch
- David wants to to stop omgthankyou-ing so darn much!
- Adam thanks us for pimping his artwork and has a few suggestions of his own, including a Polish RPG named Neuroshima and an online radio station that plays Fallout-3-style music.
- A second David writes in to tell us that he found us through our promo on The Signal podcast, and make a few suggestions on PA media.
- Tpajeek makes a brilliant suggestion for Rush as the official band of the TTA podcast. I'm all for that!
- Michael wants a list of our favorite Fallout 3 mods.
- Atomic Zen is now very interested in Fallen Earth, thanks to our interview a few shows back. Also, he suggests we take a look at a game trailer bringing us back through Fallouts past.
As mentioned on the show, we may start doing a "Video of the Show" and a "Mod of the Show" segment on each episode.
Keep in touch with us via the Facebook page, email, Twitter or our brand new forum!
Theme music is The Fourth Tribe by Michael Gordon Shapiro. Used with permission.